Home > Answers > I dont get points by adding terms. Somethings wrong. twa1325250385

I don't get points by adding terms. Something's wrong. What is the problem?

I don't get points by adding terms. Something's wrong.
  • 분야/도메인: 전체
  • 카테고리:
  • Created: 07:06, 30 December 2011

답변 (1)


The terms you entered had very short definitions. In order to make TermWiki more useful for the community, we request full and complete definition for each term. In the following year, we will conducting a major campaign to improve the quality of data throughout the site.

18:05, 30 December 2011


ok, now I see.. I'll do my best to enter complete definitions. Thanks for the reply..

01:05, 31 December 2011

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